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112 mayors from across the country—Republican, Democratic, Nonpartisan, and Independent—signed a letter urging Congress to protect SNAP. For many mayors, the decision to sign is personal.
1 in 5 kids lives with hunger in America today. Together we can fix that.
Learn more about how our partners support our work to end childhood hunger.
“Please join me: no gift is too small when combined with the power of many gifts.” -- Tracy Byers, a monthly donor from Corvallis, Ore.
Schools and school meal programs are at the heart of No Kid Hungry's work to end child hunger.
One of the most important ways No Kid Hungry works to make sure kids get the food they need every day is through advocacy.
See how No Kid Hungry has made an impact in a community near you.
The No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices helps school, state agencies and local nonprofits feed more children.