Building Brighter Futures: A $1 Million Commitment to Feed Kids

“I'm not getting the office referrals in here that I was getting in the past. School breakfast has had a dramatically positive effect on my kids, their learning, and the overall atmosphere of the school." -- Nancy Bloom, elementary school principal, California

1 in 6 kids in America faces hunger. We don't need any stats or weighty reports to understand what's wrong. It just is, especially in a country as wealthy and generous as ours.

That's why I'm thrilled (really!) to share the news that our friends at Kellogg’s are donating $1 million to help No Kid Hungry make breakfast part of the school day for millions of kids across America.

I know that making breakfast part of the school day might sound like a small thing. But it's actually a big deal, one the best, most effective solutions we have for feeding hungry kids. 

Little girl beaming and eating school breakfast

"A child that has had breakfast, they're energetic, they're students that participate, they have good interactions with their peers and with me,” said Roney Wynn, a 5th-grade teacher in Maryland, who saw real and lasting changes in her students after her school started serving breakfast after the bell.

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Kellogg has been a part of this work with us for some time. For the past two years, they ran a “Give a Child Breakfast” campaign on millions of cereal boxes, and those campaigns generated a million dollars each year for our work. This year they’re simply investing $1 million directly – an incredible commitment and a powerful validation of No Kid Hungry’s work.

"We’re 100% behind the idea of making breakfast part of the school day," said Stephanie Slingerland, the director of philanthropy and social impact for the Kellogg Company. “When it comes to breakfast, we've been leading the way for more than 110 years.”

"We know the terrible toll that hunger takes on kids, and working with No Kid Hungry to finding a solution is incredibly important to our company, our employees and our customers," Slingerland said.

Thanks to Kellogg’s support, we helped 155,000 kids across America start their days with a good breakfast over the past school year. And this new commitment will help us reach 2 million more children by 2025.

Learn more about the work that Kellogg makes possible for kids across the country