Did you know you can capture big ideas with just six words? Recently we asked some of our supporters to try their hand at writing a six-word story about childhood hunger. The results were moving and inspiring. Below are some of our favorites from the many that were submitted.
There are simply no more excuses.
Food security is a human right.
Every child needs food to learn & grow.
No one should go hungry in America.
Nutrition is essential to development.
Building our future with each meal provided.
No child should ever go hungry.
Being a kid is hard enough.
Growing brains need food to survive.
Make a difference where you can.
Children are entitled to healthy food.
Nurture the adults of tomorrow, now .

Food is a language of love.
A child cannot fend for him/herself.
Food builds children's bodies and brains.
No child should experience hunger.
No child should ever suffer hunger.
There’s nothing sadder than hungry children.
Food security allows for learning.
No child deserves to go hungry.
Without food, there is no growth.
A hungry brain can’t learn efficiently.
Food: fuel for our children’s health.
Every parent has a right to food security for their child.
Children flourish when given a nutritional diet.
No child should know hunger.
Children everywhere deserves food to grow.
Daily nutrition is needed to flourish.
Children can't learn when they are thinking of food.
Our country cannot succeed if our children are hungry Hungry children.
We can do better.
Food should not be a luxury.
Food fuels growth, learning and success.
Solving the hunger crisis breaks poverty cycles.
Nourishing gives children strength to achieve.
All children need food to flourish.
No child should ever be hungry!
Children NEED food to thrive!

Retired educator saw children’s hunger everyday.
Food is fuel for a child’s brain.
Kids should never worry about food.
We must end the epidemic of child hunger, it’s imperative.
No child should ever go hungry.
You can't learn if you're hungry.
Food is an essential basic need.
Decent food should be a right.
No child should suffer from hunger.
No child should be hungry here.
None should have to go hungry.
No democracy possible with hungry kids.
Children can only succeed if they are nourished.
No American child should be hungry.
No child should cry from hunger.
No child should go without food.
Children can’t achieve when hungry.
Food is not a luxury its mandatory.
Redistribute wealth so all children eat.
Nutritious food helps children grow strong.
Every child is entitled to nutrition.
Children rise and succeed through nutrition.
Hungry children are an American choice.
How can a hungry child succeed?
A child’s smile is enough “thanks.”
Food needed for growth and learning.
Hunger is not a bedtime option.
Secure the future by feeding children.
No child should go without nourishment.
Children must have food to survive.
Children shouldn't hear their stomach rumble.
Children deserve only love, no hunger.
Food is the root of life.
Every child deserves a full tummy.
America has incomprehensible wealth, all children should have food.
Full tummies leads to full lives.
Childhood hunger should outrage everyone.
Not one child should go hungry!
Children shouldn't have to worry about having enough food to eat.
Hungry children can't do their best.
I have enough, they should too.
Our children are our future and we need to protect them.
No child should be hungry here.
Heartbroken for any hungry child.

Childhood hunger must be abolished today!
Our privilege to eat is shared.
No one can thrive without food.
Children should always have good food.
No child should be hungry.
Don't look away, feed kids today.
Open your heart, do your part.
Child in need, sad sight indeed.
Resources are there. It's just logistics.
Healthy children create a better future.
Hungry children shame us all.
All children must have nourishment to live.
Children need nutritious food to grow.
No child should ever go hungry.
Every child needs food to grow.
Adequate childhood nutrition = a human right.
No American child should be hungry.
It’s OUR responsibility to feed children!
In US no child should hunger.
Because I never had to go hungry.
Kids can't concentrate without food for fuel.
Hungry children means we have failed.
No child deserves to be hungry!
Teachers provide meals to students daily.
Kids deserve full tummies every day.