How can we feed hungry kids in America? It's simple.
We all know how important breakfast is. We're Americans. We love breakfast! And just imagine sending kids off to school without anything to eat. They'd be a wreck.
But for millions of kids without enough food at home, that's the reality. So what do we do? What's the solution?
School breakfast.
Think about it. Almost every child facing hunger attends a public school, where they get a healthy lunch, for free or at a reduced price, every day. The system, the staff and the infrastructure to feed daily meals to kids is already in place, in our neighborhood schools, running like clockwork. So is the federal funding - it already exists.
Now here's the magic trick. Millions of kids need school breakfast, but only some of them are getting it. But there's a simple way to reach them all. Here it is. We make breakfast part of the regular day, served in the classroom after school starts, not in the cafeteria before the bell.
We know it works. "Since we started our new breakfast program, we've doubled the amount of kids that we're feeding," said Clint Mitchell, a principal from Virginia. In one Oakland school that started serving breakfast after the bell, the number of kids eating breakfast jumped from 30 to 400. We hear similar stories from educators across the country.
Speak up now to help feed hungry kids.
That's why we're marking National School Breakfast Week by spotlighting the amazing teachers, custodians and cafeteria staff who make sure our kids - all our kids - get breakfast.
This work is made possible by our national breakfast sponsors: Citi and Kellogg’s.