Man on bike in a city

No Kid Hungry Responds


America’s kids need us. Millions of vulnerable children are losing the healthy meals they depend on as the coronavirus closes schools nationwide.

No Kid Hungry has a plan to feed them, but we need your help.

Before this crisis, millions of hungry kids relied on school for food. For many, it was the only food they might get on a given day. 

With classrooms closed, schools and local nonprofits are struggling to reach kids with the meals they need. And with many parents out of work, more children in the United States may be facing hunger than ever before.

Our Response

From the halls of Congress to your local school, we’re working to ensure kids get three healthy meals a day.

Free Meals Finder

We worked with states and the USDA to develop a map to help families easily find free meals for their kids. Just enter your zip code, and we’ll show you the school meals sites, food banks and more serving food near you.

Emergency Grants & Guidance

So far, we’ve sent more than $15 million in emergency relief to hundreds of schools and community groups across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and Guam. These funds, and our hands-on guidance, are helping them serve more than 9 million meals a day during this crisis. 

Hear stories of these programs and the families they’re serving, from Central Florida and rural Mississippi to the Pine Ridge Reservation and beyond, or see a state-by-state list of all our emergency grants.

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Volunteers load food into cars at a meals site in Maryland.


Advocacy & Awareness

We’re on Capitol Hill advocating for increased SNAP benefits for struggling families, and we’re working with state and local government toward legislation to feed kids during this crisis.

Through our partnerships with Discovery Network, Univision, Nickelodeon, iHeartMedia, The Homebound Project and more, we’re raising awareness and funds to connect children with the food they need.

What You Can Do

At No Kid Hungry, we feed kids in times of crisis and not. It’s what we do, but we need your help to reach kids during this pandemic and in the months ahead.




Additional Resources

Support Local Restaurants Chefs and restaurants do so much to help No Kid Hungry feed kids. Now they need our support.

How Our Corporate Partners are Helping Check out all the ways that our partners are helping feed children during the coronavirus pandemic.

School & Community Resources If you’re an educator, policymaker or community leader, we have FAQs, tactical guides and research that can help you feed children during the coronavirus pandemic.