Grant Inquiry Information

A key part of No Kid Hungry’s strategy is building partnerships and supporting federal child nutrition programs through grantmaking. Our grants provide schools and community-based organizations with the financial support they need to ensure kids have access to the nutritious food needed to live, learn and play.

At this time, we are prioritizing funding to support increasing access to and participation in the School Breakfast Program and non-congregate summer meals. Limited funding is available to support increasing access to other federal nutrition programs.

*Please note that completion of the form does not constitute an automatic invitation to complete a No Kid Hungry grant application. Funding availability differs greatly by state and how organizations align with our funding priorities. No Kid Hungry provides grants to organizations and school districts, not individuals or families. If you are an individual in need of support, please visit our grocery benefits page to learn about programs you or your family may be eligible for. You can also visit USDA’s Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder to locate meal sites in your community.

Interested in Applying for a No Kid Hungry Grant?

If you are a school district or community-based organization working to serve children through federal feeding programs, we want to hear from you. Please complete the following form, and our team will reach out if grant funding is available for your program.  

Tools & Resources

Share Our Strength offers a variety of resources for grant applicants and community organizations and schools working to end hunger. Please see several resources listed below and explore our Center for Best Practices for further information.