The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a lifeline for thousands of Louisianans who are struggling to make ends meet, helping families feed their kids and providing food assistance in the wake of natural disasters.

If the Louisiana State Legislature doesn’t act during the current special session, the critical food aid program will be eliminated. We must act now to stand up for children and show our support.
A simple phone call to our lawmakers is one of the most powerful ways we can help. To talk directly to a Representative or Senator, contact the House switchboard at 225-342-6945 or the Senate switchboard at 225-342-2040.
It’s not hard. When you call, say your name and the town where you live. Then say you’d like your representative to know that you support protecting SNAP.

Hi. My name is _______, and I live in _________.
I’m calling to urge you to protect the Louisiana SNAP program during the current special session.
SNAP is a lifeline for thousands of Louisianans who are struggling to make ends meet. It helps families feed their kids, provides food assistance in the wake of natural disasters, and injects more than $1 billion each year into our state’s economy.
No state has ever shuttered its SNAP program. Please act to ensure that Louisiana doesn’t become the first. It’s far too important for families in our state.
Thank you for taking my call.