Available for Comment: Share Our Strength’s Billy Shore, on tonight’s debate, political will, and solving hunger in America

For Immediate Release: October 13, 2015

Contact: Christy Felling, 202-649-4340, cfelling@strength.org

Washington, DC – Much like in the previous Republican debates, candidates in tonight’s Democratic debate will weigh in on high-profile issues facing America. In a nation where 1 in 5 children struggle with hunger, however, the issue of food security and the impact it has on education, health and the economy, is rarely raised. Share Our Strength founder and CEO Billy Shore is available to discuss why candidates are so reluctant to discuss hunger and inequality, as well as why it is critical to the future of our nation. The following is a statement from Mr. Shore.

"I was once deeply engaged in presidential politics (before there was a Trump Tower, let alone a Trump campaign.) Events like tonight’s Democratic debate hold an abiding fascination for me, as have the Republican debates. 

Many pundits will be at the ready to analyze what the candidates say. I’m even more interested in what they don’t say. Because the work done by Share Our Strength and our No Kid Hungry campaign focuses on those who are economically and politically marginalized, one of the biggest challenges is getting politicians to even acknowledge such issues. 

Tonight, try to keep count of how many times the candidates say they’ll fight for the middle class. Compare that to how much you hear about fighting for people living in poverty, for vulnerable and voiceless children, or for the need for Americans to sacrifice and make investments that won’t pay off until the long-term.  

For example, we know that childhood hunger is a solvable problem in America. We know that making sure children get the nutrition they need every single day has long-term impact on graduation rates, health care costs and economic productivity.

But this is not a message we hear from candidates, because candidates don’t win many votes talking about such thing. If they don’t talk about them, however, when elected, they don’t have a mandate or perceived responsibility to act on them. And so the cycle continues.

There’s still a long way until the general election in November 2016.  As the impact of our No Kid Hungry campaign grows, as we increasingly demonstrate that childhood hunger is solvable, as we prove there can be bipartisanship on such issues, such encouraging news could help politicians not be afraid to talk about such things, and not be afraid to envision a better America."


To speak to Share Our Strength President and CEO Billy Shore about tonight’s debate or hunger and inequality in America, please contact Christy Felling at cfelling@strength.org or 202.320.4483.

About Billy Shore

Billy Shore has been a leader in the fight against hunger since 1984, when he founded the national anti-hunger nonprofit Share Our Strength and its No Kid Hungry campaign. From 1978 through 1987, Shore served on the senatorial and presidential campaign staffs of former U.S. Senator Gary Hart (D-Colorado). From 1988 to 1991, Shore served as chief of staff for former U.S. Senator Robert Kerrey (D-Nebraska). Today, Shore also serves as a Congressional appointee to the National Commission on Hunger, a group tasked with finding innovative ways to end hunger in America.

No child should go hungry in America, but 1 in 5 kids will face hunger this year. Using proven, practical solutions, No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger today by ensuring that kids start the day with a nutritious breakfast, are able to get the nutrition they need during the summertime, and families learn the skills they need to shop and cook on a budget. When we all work together, we can make sure kids get the healthy food they need. No Kid Hungry is a campaign of national anti-hunger organization Share Our Strength.