STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Billy Shore on tonight’s State Of The Union address

“We will never have a stronger nation unless we have stronger children.”

Contact: Christy Felling
Phone: 202.320.4483

Washington, D.C. — President Barack Obama gave his State of the Union address tonight, focusing on the economy and the middle class. Share Our Strength’s founder and CEO, Billy Shore, released the following statement:

In tonight’s speech, President Obama focused on supporting the middle class, saying, “Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well?  Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?...That’s what middle-class economics is – the idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.”

Fighting for middle-class economics is important, but our leaders must go further to ensure more can share in this economy. Today there are millions of Americans left out of the middle class, unable to participate in the American Dream. This has an outsized effect on the most voiceless generation: Our children. A new report last week shows that for the first time in at least fifty years, a majority of our public school kids are poor. Sixteen million kids in this nation live in families that struggle to put meals on the table.

We will never have a stronger nation unless we have stronger children. And we will never have a stronger middle class unless we give children born into poverty a fighting chance. And a key component to this is making sure that no child in America goes hungry. 

This is a solvable problem, but it takes political will. We must push our leaders to enact smart legislation that makes it easier for kids to get the daily nutrition they need. We must urge Congress to improve the program that feeds children in the summertime, making efforts more effective and efficient. We must advocate for innovative policies in our states and school districts to ensure more kids can power their days with a nutritious and necessary breakfast. Together, we must demand that our leaders put aside partisan battles and unite to provide our children with a path to success.


Billy Shore has been a leader in the fight against hunger since 1984, when he founded the national anti-hunger nonprofit Share Our Strength. In 2010, Share Our Strength created the No Kid Hungry campaign, which is focused on ending childhood hunger in America. This year, Shore was also appointed by Congress to the National Commission on Hunger, a group tasked with finding innovative ways to end hunger in America.

To speak to Mr. Shore about issues associated with poverty and childhood hunger, please contact Christy Felling at


No child should go hungry in America, but 1 in 5 kids will face hunger this year. Using proven, practical solutions, No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger today by ensuring that kids start the day with a nutritious breakfast, are able to get the nutrition they need during the summertime, and families learn the skills they need to shop and cook on a budget. When we all work together, we can make sure kids get the healthy food they need. No Kid Hungry is a campaign of national anti-hunger organization Share Our Strength.