STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Billy Shore on White House Budget Blueprint

Shore: “We will not have a strong America without strong kids.”

Contacts: Christy Felling at 202.320.4483 or

05/22/17, Washington, D.C. – The White House tonight released its FY 2018 budget blueprint. This budget proposal either cuts or completely eliminates funding for critical programs which provide for the basic human needs of low-income residents and lift families across the country out of poverty.

The following is a statement from Share Our Strength founder and CEO, Billy Shore, about the impact of this budget.

“At a time when the nation yearns for unity, these budget cuts are sure to further divide Americans by shredding the programs that support the most vulnerable and voiceless in our society. Cutting essential, effective anti-poverty programs like Medicaid and SNAP will exacerbate inequality, poverty and despair.

This is a budget that would make Americans weak, not ‘great again.’

Some of the most damaging cuts are those that affect children. We will not have a strong America without strong kids, and cutting basic survival tools like food, housing and health care will undermine all efforts to strengthen our nation’s future.

The White House has pledged to invest in our nation’s infrastructure; this must include investing in our human capital. This budget does the opposite.”


To speak to Mr. Shore about childhood hunger in America, contact Christy Felling at or 202.320.4483.

No child should go hungry in America, but 1 in 5 kids will face hunger this year. Using proven, practical solutions, No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger today by ensuring that kids start the day with a nutritious breakfast, are able to get the nutrition they need during the summertime, and families learn the skills they need to shop and cook on a budget. When we all work together, we can make sure kids get the healthy food they need. No Kid Hungry is a campaign of national anti-hunger organization Share Our Strength.


Billy Shore has been a leader in the fight against hunger since 1984, when he founded the national anti-hunger nonprofit Share Our Strength. In 2010, Share Our Strength created the No Kid Hungry campaign, which is focused on ending childhood hunger in America. Shore also served as a Congressional appointee to the National Commission on Hunger, a group tasked with finding innovative ways to end hunger in America.