STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis on Release of White House Budget

“The harmful cuts and ill-conceived policy ideas in this proposal would cause hardship and hunger for families across America,” says Davis. 

Contacts and Context: Christy Felling at 202.320.4483 or

Washington, D.C. – This morning, the White House released the President’s 2020 Budget proposal, outlining the administration’s priorities for the nation. This year’s budget once again contains deep cuts and harmful policy changes to a number of programs serving low-income families. The following is a statement from Share Our Strength Senior Vice President Lisa Davis about the impact of this budget:

“The newly released White House budget would cause hardship and hunger for families across America if it were to become law.

Instead of investing in programs that would help build a generation of healthy, educated and well-nourished children, this budget does the opposite. It slashes programs that strengthen families, with cuts to health care, affordable housing, afterschool learning programs and even food assistance. 

For example, the budget would cut $220 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over the next decade, making it harder for millions of families who have fallen on hard times to feed their children. At the same time, it brings back the idea of “Harvest Boxes,” a logistical nightmare that would require a costly new infrastructure to package and distribute boxes of food to low-income families each month.

The White House budget is a wish list, but the harmful cuts and ill-conceived policy ideas it contains should not be ignored. We must stand up for our nation’s children and fight for the programs that make sure all kids get the basic food, care and skills they need to grow up strong and able to achieve their full potential.

Ensuring a strong, productive America tomorrow, starts with healthy, nourished children today. Share Our Strength strongly opposes cuts to programs that help struggling families stay strong. We will continue to work closely with elected leaders in Congress to strengthen and support programs that prevent childhood hunger.”


About No Kid Hungry

No child should go hungry in America. But 1 in 6 kids will face hunger this year. No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger through effective programs that provide kids with the food they need. This is a problem we know how to solve. No Kid Hungry is a campaign of Share Our Strength, an organization working to end hunger and poverty. Join us at