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New Hunger Numbers Out Today: Good News - and Bad

Today, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the latest food insecurity numbers, providing a detailed look into how many families in our country today struggle to have enough to eat.
The news is good - and bad. The good news is that kids and families are doing better: the percentage of households facing food insecurity continues to fall.

The bad news is that 13 million children in America still face hunger, a shocking number in a nation as wealthy as ours.

Here are three things to know from the "Household Food Security in the United States in 2016."

Moving Breakfast to the Classroom Boosts Participation, and Learning, in Arizona

Starting in the spring of 2015, Salk Elementary piloted a breakfast in the classroom program, giving all students the opportunity to start the day with a healthy meal, no matter what time they arrive at school. A little over a year later, they're feeding around 575 students every day - a 229 percent increase in participation!