Nobody Wants Their Children to Go Hungry Andre and Victoria say their mom works "a whole lot", but they still need to reply free meals at school.
How We Helped Provide Over One Billion Meals to Kids Since the No Kid Hungry campaign began eight years ago, we've helped provide over one billion meals to kids.
How We’re Helping Children at the Border Like many Americans, we're shaken by the stories of children being detained at the border. We're donating $100,000 to the Texas Access to Justice Foundation.
This Is Temporary: A Mother's Day Story Moms make difficult choices every day. For mothers who also struggle to feed their families, those choices can be heartbreaking.
[CASE STUDY] New Law Leads to More Kids Eating School Breakfast in Nevada In 2015, lawmakers in Nevada passed legislation requiring schools serving low-income kids to make breakfast part of the regular school day.
How Breakfast Can Save America’s Kids Children across our country will face hunger this year, threatening their lives and futures. It's a problem we can solve.
Healthy Food on a Budget: Stacy and Erik’s Story Hard-working American families rely on critical federal nutrition programs — our friends, our neighbors, even our nation’s military heroes.